the right cutting height for your lawn

The right cutting height

Nastavenie výšky kosenia závisí od toho, či sa jedná o dekoratívny alebo úžitkový trávnik. Pre trávniky, ktoré sa väčšinou používajú na hranie, slnenie, barbecue alebo iné aktivity, je vhodná výška trávnika od troch do 5 centimetrov. Pri kosení používajte len ostré nože, pretože vďaka nim sa steblá trávy useknú čisto a nie sú rozstrapkané. Tiež by ste mali trávnik kosiť iba vtedy, keď je suchý.

If your lawn is purely decorative, it can be kept a little shorter. Generally, however, cutting it too short damages the grass plants. Therefore, the cutting height should be set to at least three centimetres.
Generally, you should mow as regularly as possible. A frequent mulching cut is ideal, where the short cut grass remains on the lawn and thus serves as natural fertiliser. In the normal growth phase in spring, one cut per week is recommended, if mulching possibly even more often. In drier periods, when the grass grows less, mowing can be reduced.

the right cutting height

Is your lawn not growing well? This may often be due to various factors. Grass which is both too long and too short inhibits healthy growth of the lawn. If grass plants are constantly cut too little, i.e. the lawn grass is generally too long, too few new side shoots are formed. In this case, the lawn may become patchy and thus makes room for weeds and moss.

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